Friday, May 21, 2010

A Friday Off

When I started this blog I thought I would be blogging at least every other day. It seems like it's every other week.

I'm "off" today - balancing my schedule. I tackled the "other half" of our bedroom. The half where everything gets put when we don't know where to put it. I still need to haul a few totes out to the garage, but it looks pretty good. I am hoping that Roger finds time this winter to build the closet I want to store all the "stuff" behind closed doors. I also cleaned our bathroom and vacuumed the carpet in the bedroom. Our bedroom is always the last to get clean.

I'm picking Lindsey & Kayla up from school today. Then we are going to go watch Lauren run in her 4th track meet this week. She had 2 JV meets and 2 varsity meets. She has done really well in track. She place 5th in the 100 & 200 runs last night in a Varsity meet.

Work has been busy. I had a new employee start this past week. She will do a great job in that county. I'm trying to figure out how to "do" this new position I have. We have a staff retreat next week for a few days to try and figure it out. We are heading into the busy summer season. I enjoy it all.

I reconnected with a HS classmate about a week ago. She was getting a divorce. She was bummed out about it, but I think she will be happier now that that chapter of her life is over. She texted me this morning to tell me she is single again.

As I think about texting and blogging, I think about my 81 year old mom. She is amazed at how technology has changed how we do things. She has seen a lot of things in her 81 years. I am taking her to the doctor in about a week. We are hoping they can figure out what to do about the pain she is having in her hip, leg, rear.

I should run to the grocery store before I pick up kids. I am serving coffee between church services on Sunday. We are having a congregational meeting. So I need to plan for more than typical. I'm going to bake cookies.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday Night

Well it's Tuesday night and the girls and I are waiting for Roger to get home so we can order Earl's Drive In food. First time this summer! They just opened this past weekend. The Biggest Loser is on TV tonight also. I know I lead an exciting life.

Lindsey had her first summer hockey tournament in Duluth this past weekend. We had a good time even thought the weather wasn't that nice. Did some touristy things amongst the hockey games.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


It's Sunday! I really have to thank my parents for raising me in a christian home, teaching me about God and how his Son died for my sins. I am always amazed when I open my eyes & see God in my life. I know he is always there. He is there to take the stress away when you are willing to give it over to him.

Roger, Lindsey & Kayla are in Bemidji today for Lindsey's Loon's hockey practice. They left about 6:45 this morning. Once they were on the road - I slept a little more. Lauren and I are hanging out at home. I went to church. Lauren & I have been cleaning some. Finally got my floors scrubbed!! I should get my bathrooms cleaned - we'll see if that happens. I need to make chocolate chip cookies yet for Lauren's track meet tomorrow. I should go for a run too......

Well I did go for a run - Yeah Me!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Time Flies!!

I can't believe it has been over a week since my last blog. I know I've been busy, but this is crazy. Though I think it might slow down a little bit for a while. I was actually in my office the whole day today, which was a first for a long time. I was on a webinar for 1/2 the day, but I could multi-task :)

Last weekend I volunteer at the school and helped with interviews for two new principals. We had church & Sunday School. I got embarrassed because my cell phone started to ring during the closing prayer!! We were lazy the rest of the day. I think I even got a nap in between laundry loads. Monday I had Bible Study. Tuesday I traveled to Crookston for work & got back about supper time. Wednesday I had 3 cavities filled. My mouth was numb until noon!! I have a really good dentist. Lauren & Kayla had piano festival after school. Lauren recieved a superior and Kayla an excellant. Good job girls!! I taught confirmation - Lauren loved that. :) We were going to the DQ for treats but got there 5 minutes after they closed. Tonight was pretty uneventful. Trying to get caught up on laundry becaase Lindsey has her first hockey tournament this weekend in TRF & Crookston.

I don't think my exercising is going the greatest. I think I ran last Thursday. Kayla & I rode bike to Beth's last night. definately used some new muscles. I've been brushing my teeth, but haven't been rinsing or taking my vitamin. Part of doing this blog is keeping me accountable - so I bet I'll remember tomorrow!

Oh - I just realized it's tax day. Yes I paid my taxes, the check is in the mail!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I had a great staff meeting today with my new team. I think we will make great things happen for 4-H Youth Development in NW Minnesota.

I ran again today - twice in 3 days - that is a record :) run/walked for 2 miles in 30 minutes. half of it jogging. Roger & Lindsey came along also.

I've also been brushing & flossing.

Started a new Bible study on Monday night. Fingerprints of God. Should be a good study with a great bunch of gals.

Monday, April 5, 2010

April Resolutions - 4/5/2010

I guess I just added another resolution to my "April Resolution List". That is to start a blog. I've been thinking about it for a while, I like to write down what I'm thinking and doing. I kept a diary as a teenager, so I guess this is my attempt at a diary for an adult. So what's on my resolution list -

1. Run - my goal is to run a 5k this summer
2. Roger & I need to be nicer to each other (we both agreed to this topic).
3. Floss & Rinse each night - I was to the dentist today!! yikes.
4. Take my daily vitamin

So you can see I'm kind of on a health kick.

I guess my 5th resolution is to start a blog - check that one off my list!